The Art of Finding Your Voice and Pushing Back (with Finesse)

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In a service-oriented role, sometimes it can be a challenge to strike a balance between being helpful and supportive of others and their needs while also ensuring you don’t take on too much. We all know that sometimes we need to be able to “manage up” and push back. Chances are, this is probably something that you’re already doing on a daily basis. However, the act of managing up is truly an art, and one that can always be worked on and perfected, and it comes more naturally to some than others. In this episode, Molly McKnight, Executive Assistant at Handshake, discusses the importance of finding your voice and learning to say “no” as a mid-level Executive Assistant. At one point in her career, Molly supported 19 Executives! Learn how she navigated those conversations and made significant progress in the areas of managing up and striking a balance between providing effective support to multiple people and staying sane! Learn you can juggle it all too.

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